"Hassaku Daifuku" inherited from the original Hassaku Daifuku inventor.
Together with the wishes of the master, we are making Daifuku using seasonal fruits in "Innoshima".
Our Daifuku is characterized by its moderately chewy mochi, which is made from mochi with a pestle every morning.
Wrapped in Daifuku are fruits that have reached the seasons of the four seasons.
The freshness of the fruits that have reached the season goes very well with the white bean paste.
Please enjoy the Daifuku of "Hassaku Kobo Matsuura".

Daifuku of "Hassaku Kobo Matsuura", which uses seasonal fruits, will be on sale for a limited time. Please check the sales period before purchasing the freshly picked flavors in Innoshima or neighboring areas.
It is located along the national highway where you can see Ikuchi Bridge.
If you don't know the location, please feel free to call us.

電話番号 | 080-8631-9541 |
所在地 | 〒722-2324 広島県尾道市因島田熊町4862-10 4862-10 Innoshimatakuma-cho, Onomichi-shi, Hiroshima 722-2324 |
営業時間 | AM 8:30〜 なくなり次第終了させていただきます。 |
定休日 | 火・水・木曜日 不定休有 ※6月~10月は週末営業のみ(金・土・日・祝のみ営業) お電話にてご確認いただければと思います。 |